"It is more blessed to give than receive"
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About site
Once upon a time I've been looking for kit instruction for kit from some internet auction. I've needed it to get numbers for some missing parts. Unfortunately I've lost very long time, and finally I've got some scan to this sheets. Than I've decided to create this page, to help you guys to quicker find some lost instruction. Other reason it that kit instructions shows level of complicating every kit. It shows is some models are worth's of his price. Hope you'll like it , and help me to grow library with kits instructions to help others modelers with they hobby :)

To do:
- Select actual subpage in browse page
- Better sorting
- Better search box (search by number and kit name)

Change log:
v. 1.9.1: 2015.04.02
- Added first draft of marketplace feature
v. 1.8: 2014.09.01
- Add complete kit photos
v. 1.7.1: 2014.04.21
- Added search selected stash
v. 1.7: 2014.04.20
- Added browse library by user
- Added big feature to create personal stash with collected or wanted kits
v. 1.4: 2013.11.15
- Added load mini images of boxes on-demand to reduce transfer
v. 1.3: 2013.02.01
- Added chrome mode to view instructions without downloading - option for all registered
v. 1.0: 2012.12.14
- Added login and registration